Monday, November 28, 2011

Singapore Besties Get Hitched!

It has truly been a sanity saver to have a couple we are great friends with in Singapore. Without them, we may have gone crazy being on our lonesome. Our livers might not be as appreciative, but we certainly wouldn't be as happy in Singapore as we are without Mort and Rochelle.

Our first night out together in Singapore was one that will never be erased from my mind, for all the wrong reasons. Oh, there was plenty of fun. Lots of pre-drinks, funny photos, and I'm sure lots of laughs. I can't say I really recall most of the night though, as I ended up being carried out of the bar by Dave whilst wailing 'I'm never drinking again!' This was after a few bonding sessions vomiting in the toilets with Rochelle and sitting in the smoking room, pushing the two sections of a couch apart and vomiting on the floor in between. Hey, it's better than on the couch right? Well done, thoughtful disgracefully drunk self. Dave still comments that he's never heard a person say the typical line 'I'm never drinking again' whilst still actually drunk.

We have had plenty of big nights since. Another highlight was the Tiger Crystal Party on Tanjong Beach which you can read about here. We were so proud to be in bed by around 11pm that night. It took care of our hangovers, which we usually nurse while sitting on the Morton's couch chatting, watching TV or the boys play FIFA. Another highlight was me breaking my record of never having a hangover vomit the next day. That was taken care of after a trip down the lift in their building after a particularly big night, and then later again after the taxi ride. Stay classy, Hayley.

Another benefit of this brilliant friendship is the fact that without Rochelle's help, I might not even live in this (stupidly hard to find a job) city anymore. Many thanks go to Rochelle for hooking me up with my job, which may go down in history as the worst managed place ever, but still, the kids are amazing and it's money coming in which is always good.

So, our Singapore besties are now Mr and Mrs Morton. We were pretty chuffed 1. to get an invite to this exclusive soiree and then 2. to be involved in the ceremony! True, our cameos weren't deemed important enough to make the official wedding video (I cry myself to sleep most nights) but we were delighted to be a part of such a lovely day. It was a classy, fun and tearful event. 99% of the tears coming from the groom, which I'm sure he'll never live down, but good on you Mort you SNAG, you.

The whole point of this rambling post is to say CONGRATULATIONS Andrew and Rochelle, and thank you so much for making our time in Singapore so much fun. We love you guys and hope we'll always be friends. Hopefully our livers can handle it.

(PS, better late than never right?)

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